Em-Contouring Treatment

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What’s an Em-contouring treatment like?

Before the treatment, the beautician will ask you if you have any contraindications. The first step is to secure the applicator to the treatment area and then set the treatment program. Each treatment takes 30 minutes and can be performed 2-3 times a week. You may experience slight soreness after the first treatment, which is normal. According to different treatment areas, you will see obvious results in about 4 courses of treatment, muscle growth and excess fat disappear.
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Em-contouring Treatment Areas

Emsculpt Treatment Areas
Em-contouring Legs
Em-contouring Abdomen
Em-contouring Buttocks
Em-contouring Arms
How can treatment specifically help me?

How can treatment specifically help me?

1. Increase muscle mass and restore muscle toughness.
2. Improve your hips and improve your buttocks.
3. Consume energy and reduce fat.
4. Shape the vest line, slim figure, beautify muscle lines.
5. Promote the cycle, enhance metabolism, and purify the skin.
6. Smart algorithms are used, and the incision gradually strengthens and weakens to better adapt to the human body. The energy range is automatically adjusted according to the frequency and single treatment cycle.

ADSS Em-contouring Machine

ADSS Em-contouring Machine is the most popular body slimming machine in beauty salons and SPA clubs. About 4 courses of treatment will bring customers a perfect figure.

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FAQ About Em-contouring Machine

How soon will I see results?

You'll see results instantly. Most patients will see initial results within the first 12-24 hours after their first session, and muscle tone and definition will continue to improve after your session is over. After 3-4 sessions, you will see visible results. It varies from person to person.

Am I a candidate?

1. If you're looking for a non-invasive butt lift

One sign that this non-invasive treatment is right for you is if you're looking for a non-surgical butt lift. With this non-invasive treatment, your muscles will contract at peak power 20,000 times in just 30 minutes. To put that in perspective, assuming you can do 24 squats per minute, you'd do 1,000 squats a day for 20 days, which would take you 13 hours and 48 minutes.
2. Want to increase muscle and reduce excess fat.
With this treatment, you can expect to lose 19% of localized fat cells and increase muscle mass by 16%. If you're around your ideal weight, lose enough fat to reveal your strong, smooth, lean muscles.
3. You are confident in maintaining your muscle mass
You must also be confident that you can maintain your newly formed muscle mass to be considered a good candidate for this type of treatment. If the newly grown muscles are not exercised, they will atrophy and require follow-up treatment. In order to maintain muscle mass, it's important to work out targeted muscles like your glutes or abs at least twice a week.
All in all, Em-contouring is suitable for anyone, but you have to follow the relevant Contraindications, if you have the above needs, then you will be a candidate for Em-contouring treatment.

How long do the results last?

You can maintain these results after Em-contouring treatment by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, and it will be permanent. You can also perform treatments at different times to ensure a perfect figure.

How is Em-contouring different from Cool Slimming?

Em-contouring treatment consumes surrounding fat by inducing continuous muscle contraction and expansion to achieve the ultimate effect of building muscle and reducing fat. Really complete body slimming, while reducing fat, it will bring you more muscles and make your body more perfect. , Em-contouring machine is also the first body slimming machine approved by FDA to increase muscle and reduce fat at the same time. Em-contouring treatment is warmer in the way a hot stone massage is warm, but feels more active with the em-contouring contracting your muscles.
However, compared to Cool slimming, the two methods are completely different. Cool slimming is a freezing fat reduction technique specially designed for reducing body fat and wishing to achieve fast weight loss results. It can cover a larger area and treat localized fatty tissue with maximum. Mainly used for weight loss. Permanently remove excess fat. With Cool slimming, the temperature makes your skin go numb, followed by a massage to break up the fat cells.